Wednesday, January 8, 2014

still loving you, of course

Daddy, there have been so many times I’ve wanted to post on this blog, but there’s always a reason why I don’t. None of them are legitimate. I’ve been thinking about you a lot. It’s been awhile now, and it’s really hard to remember the sound of your voice sometimes.

Time passes. Leaves of paper and of autumn turn, but only the first can be revisited with the same vividness of experience at a later time. If only all things could be like books: reread over and over and over.

I feel so alone now, but luckily I’ve never been disposed to feeling lonely. On second thought, I think “alone” is not as fitting a description as “tribeless”; although surrounded by wonderful people, I seem to belong to none. Joejoe died within months of you, and now Jim is waning, too. Before long, three of you men—all very dear to me although you are and always will be first—who will have breathed your last in mom’s de facto hospice house, and under her gentle care. I am the last of our Hartigs, and soon only mom and I will remain of my family.

I bet she really surprised you with how loving she was, caring for you after 20 years had passed since your divorce. You used to love/hate her so much. I understand, of course. Her intensity will drive anyone mad, but not mad enough to truly hate her. She is one of the most caring and loving creatures God ever planted on this festering planet.

I feel like you never felt enough love from me. That’s why I hate this human condition so much sometimes. Nothing I could have done would have made it so that you didn’t feel that way. Mom feels it more acutely. All humans do in life’s winter, while the generation they beget enjoys the beauty of spring and then the fruits of summer. I don’t have kids, of course, so I don’t really know what I’ll pine for.

Daddy, this blog is still here for both of us. I wish you were here instead. I miss you so much.